John Baizley is my hero

I've recently been doing more collages to practise my composition to see how I can make this series of images I'm working towards work better than others I've done in the past. I personally think John Baizley is the master of composition, tons of artists I lok at are great, but something about his work makes me feel weak at the knees.
Death Masks and Things.
So at the beginning of all this decomposition stuff I was pretty sure I could somehow beautifully illustrate decomposition in humans. Boy was I wrong. After seeing more photos and videos of death than any normal person should I've decided decomposition in humans is probably the worst kind. I am not including photos because I may loose several followers etc etc but human bodies seem to distort far more than the animal decompositions I've watched. The bloating seems far more severe, and the body breaks down in sections and far less rapidly.
So as I don't want this to be a shock piece of work at the end, I am going to play around with drawing human decomposition in different conditions, (but the lack of footage is holding me back) but I am looking into pigs and other medium sized mammals, and maybe even food.
I did venture to some exhibitions, the hunterian again of course, and I am looking into taxidermy again, but this embalming process defeats what I'm trying to explain, at the same time it is interesting that we fight signs of aging beyond death, maybe thats something for another project...
Anyway, so I am rather stuck with billions of notes and little sketching, fingers crossed I can pull something out of the bag.
(p.s anyone interested in some footage of human decomp can look here and I also found this article super helpful, but I warn you it is not for the faint hearted!)
So as I don't want this to be a shock piece of work at the end, I am going to play around with drawing human decomposition in different conditions, (but the lack of footage is holding me back) but I am looking into pigs and other medium sized mammals, and maybe even food.
I did venture to some exhibitions, the hunterian again of course, and I am looking into taxidermy again, but this embalming process defeats what I'm trying to explain, at the same time it is interesting that we fight signs of aging beyond death, maybe thats something for another project...
Anyway, so I am rather stuck with billions of notes and little sketching, fingers crossed I can pull something out of the bag.
(p.s anyone interested in some footage of human decomp can look here and I also found this article super helpful, but I warn you it is not for the faint hearted!)

So its 5am and of course, I can't sleep. So instead of scouring youtube I decide my time would be better spent looking at art and inspiration. I was really happy to find some great little blogs and the artist above, Joao Ruas. Really yummy work. His link is here, I hate to share these finds really but I know I should really! And I believ he does work for the Fable comics, so hes far fom unknown.
I've also decided I need some nice colouring pencils, so I can ween myself off fineliners a bit as theyre just as easy to travel with as a fineliner. I should probably also organise this space a bit better and maybe seperate my work from this stuff, or maybe just get round to finally making an online portfolio.
Anyway all feels good in my sketchbooks, and I'm currently feeling positive about the work I'm producing, and enjoying it instead of pulling my hair out.
Expect a much more frequent poster.
Fringe magnetic- twistic
another project I worked on over the summer, and just got back is the new fringe album. It isn't released until February but it's nice to have a printed copy in my hands. Well a couple, i had to use indesign, and while it was an eye opener, I am definitely no graphic designer, but drawing pretty pictures I can do!

Tinseldayer 2
While Christmas seems way off and knowing it will, somehow again, catch me off guard I got this commission for a mini festival in folkestone. the guys are super nice to work for and open to ideas but i tried to stick with the themes i had used with them before. While fitting 22 band names incorporated into an image was tricky, it was well worth the challenge. dead fun, and dead colorful. So I apologize to a certain bear friend about the lack of posts of my own work, rather than cool found shit.

This post has been a long time coming, but I promise I've been very busy! I have alot of work to shove up on here and can't wait to do so. One of the projects I was working on was part of the Decked exhibition, it was really fun to work on a piece like this. It was a bit of an experiment, and while it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. It was very personal to me. A big thank you to vicky and ej for letting me put it up at the show, you can see the other decks (some are dead awesome) here .So dedicated to all my dead cats...
Pigeons, Sewage and Collage

So I had a dream where a large number of pigeons were sexually attacking me, like they were in heat. It was really strange but definately had some great imagery. There was sewage too. Been trying to collage a bit more as I felt a bit creatively stuck. I think Ive been too concerned about the audience I'm illustrating for, rather than making something I like and want to enjoy. So now isnt a great time to challenge myself with the amount of work I have on- but I have to!
PS- Photo by Roe Etheridge.
PPS- I promise to post more work soon
First Illustration for Book Cover
Alice in Wonderland Book Cover

I decided to design for Alice in Wonderland. I thought this may be a mistake due to the imagery already surrounding the story being so famous. But I tried to use this to my advantage.
I want to create a darker version of the cover, to pick up on the adult fans of the book. I want to echo the style of the famous illustrations as ignoring them would be stupid.
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